General configurations

Configuration parameters

Name Type Default value Possible values Description
enableMetricsMerger boolean True True, False If enabled, GatewayD will merge the Prometheus metrics of all plugins over Unix domain socket. The metrics are merged and exposed via the GatewayD metrics endpoint via HTTP.
metricsMergerPeriod string 5s Valid duration strings The metrics merger period controls how often the metrics merger should collect and merge metrics from plugins.
healthCheckPeriod string 5s Valid duration strings The health check period controls how often the health check should be performed. The health check is performed by pinging each plugin. Unhealthy plugins are removed.
reloadOnCrash boolean True True, False If enabled, GatewayD will reload the plugin if it crashes. The crash is detected by the health check.
timeout string 30s Valid duration strings The timeout controls how long to wait for a plugin to respond to a request before timing out.
startTimeout string 1m Valid duration strings The start timeout controls how long to wait for a plugin to start before timing out.
policyTimeout string 30s Valid duration strings The policy timeout controls how long to wait for a policy to evaluate before timing out.
policies array [] An array of objects The policies are a set of rules that are evaluated against the signals to determine whether the actions should be executed.
actionTimeout string 30s Valid duration strings The actionTimeout will set a default timeout for all the actions that are going to be executed. Action specific timeout has priority over this value. Set to 0 to remove default action timeout.
actionRedis object     The actionRedis provides a Redis connection to be used by Act system to publish async actions to. If not given, or not enabled, async actions will run in a background goroutine.
actionRedis.enabled boolean False True, False If enabled, will use configuration to connect to a Redis Pub/Sub channel and publish async actions data.
actionRedis.address string localhost:6379 Valid Redis connection url URL used to connect to async action Redis. string gatewayd-actions Any valid Redis channel name Name of the channel that async actions will be published to.

Example configuration

enableMetricsMerger: True
metricsMergerPeriod: 5s
healthCheckPeriod: 5s
reloadOnCrash: True
timeout: 30s
startTimeout: 1m
policyTimeout: 30s
actionTimeout: 30s
  name: terminate
  policy: "Signal.terminate == true && Policy.terminate == 'stop'"
    terminate: "stop" # Change this to "continue" to continue the execution
  enabled: True
  address: localhost:6379
  channel: gatewayd-actions